There is no climate emergency

Noch ein offener (und mutmaßlich sinnloser) Brief an:

Emiel Charles Michel, President of the European Council

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

‘To be appointed’, Head of the European Parliament


There is no climate emergency

We, the undersigned 300(?) independent Climate Scientists and Professionals from 15(?) countries, wish to convey five urgent messages to you:

1. Climate change is a fact. The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has cyclically varied as long as the planet has existed, with nature-driven cold and warm cycles.

2. After leaving the Little Ice Age (around 1850 AD), it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a warming-up period. This is in line with the cyclic behavior of the climate system. Unfortunately, climate models are upsetting society by predicting temperatures that are much higher than measurements do tell us.

3. There exists no proof that anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the major cause of global warming. There is also no scientific evidence that anthropogenic CO2 emissions have a detrimental effect on the quality of life. On the contrary, we do know that CO2 is the basis of all life on Earth (photosynthesis) and more CO2 is beneficial for nature (greening the Earth) and agriculture (increasing crop yields).

4. There is also no scientific evidence that higher CO2 levels have an enhancing effect on natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and droughts.On the other hand, there are many indications that most CO2-mitigation measures have a devastating effect on wildlife (e.g. by wind turbines) and land use (e.g. forest clearance).

5. Energy policy must be based on scientific and economic realities.  We argue strongly against a harmful and unrealistic “2050-carbon-neutral policy”. There is no climate emergency and therefore no cause for panic and alarm. If superior approaches emerge, we will have ample time to reflect and adapt. Our aim should always be reliable and affordable energy at all times.

With respect to a well thought-out future, we advise European leaders that science should aim at a significantly better understanding of the climate system and that politics should focus on minimizing damage by giving priority to technology-rich adaptation strategies against extreme weather events.

We also recommend that European leaders make a clear difference in their policy between the Earth’s environment and the Earth’s climate. Taking good care of our environment is a matter of good stewardship. Climate change, however, is largely caused by a complex combination of natural phenomena we cannot control.

The undersigned:

Scientists and Professionals from Belgium

  1. Henri A. Masson, Emeritus Professor Dynamic System Analysis and Data Mining, University of Antwerp
  2. Emiel van Broekhoven, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Antwerp
  3. Christian Dierick, Lead Expert, Energy Technology Solutions
  4. Samuel Furfari, Professor of Energy Geopolitics at the Free University of Brussels
  5. Jan Jacobs, Researcher Climate and energy Transition
  6. Ferdinand Meeus, Research Scientist, IPCC expert Reviewer AR6
  7. Jean Meeus, retired meteorologist, Brussels Airport
  8. Eppo van der Wiel, Senior Development Engineer

Scientists and professionals from Czech Republic

  1. Václav Klaus, Former President of the Czech Republic, Professor of Economics, Founder of the Václav Klaus Institute

Scientists and Professionals from France

  1. Jean-Pierre Bardinet, Ingénieur ENSEM, publicist on climate issues
  2. Francois Gervais, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Material Sciences, University of Tours
  3. Pierre Darriulat, Professor of Physics, Member of the French Academy of Sciences
  4. Rémy Prud’homme, Emeritus Professor in Economics at University of Paris-Est, Former Deputy Director Environment, Directorate of OECD
  5. Benoit Rittaud, Associate professor of Mathematics at University of Paris-Nord
  6. Henri Voron, Retired Civil Chief Engineer, Specialized in Water Management, Lyon

Scientists and Professionals from Germany

  1. Fritz Vahrenholt, Professor (i.R.) am Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie der Universität Hamburg, Germany
  2. Dietrich Bannert, Professor of Geology, University of Hannover
  3. Klaus Döhler, Professor of Pharma sciences, University of Hannover
  4. Werner Kirstein, Emeritus Professor of Climatology, University of Leipzig, Germany
  5. Stefan Kröpelin, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Free University of Berlin and University of Cologne, Specialized in Climate Change of the Sahara
  6. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Professor of Operations Research (i.R.) HTW of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany

Scientists and Professionals from Ireland

  1. Jim O’Brien, Chair, Irish Climate Science Forum, Expert Reviewer IPCC AR6
  2. Anthony D. Barry, Honorary Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering
  3. Owen O’Brien, Business Founder and Entrepreneur, MBA, DBA
  4. Tony J. Carey, BA [Natural Sciences] Clare College, Cambridge
  5. Seamus Hughes, BAgricSc, Specialist in Genetics
  6. J. Philip O’Kane, Emeritus Professor, School of Engineering, University College Cork
  7. Ultan Murphy, Industry Science Professional
  8. Peter O’Neill, Retired, School of Engineering, UCD, Expert Reviewer of IPCC AR6
  9. Fintan Ryan, Retired Senior Airline Captain, Fellow Royal Aeronautical Society
  10. Brian N. Sweeney, Founding Chairman of Science Foundation Ireland
  11. Sean Tangney, Business Entrepreneur, Former Technical Director CRH plc
  12. David Thompson, BAgricSc, MA, Animal Nutritionist.

Scientists and Professionals from Italy


1. Uberto Crescenti, Professore Emerito di Geologia Applicata, Università di Chieti-

Pescara, già Magnifico Rettore e Presidente della Società Geologica Italiana.

2. Giuliano Panza, Professore di Sismologia, Università di Trieste, Accademico dei

Lincei e dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, detta dei XL, vincitore nel 2018 del

Premio Internazionale dell’American Geophysical Union.

3. Alberto Prestininzi, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Roma La

Sapienza, già Scientific Editor in Chief della rivista internazionale Italian Journal of

Engineering Geology and Environment e Direttore del Centro di Ricerca Previsione

e Controllo Rischi Geologici (CERI), Sapienza Università di Roma.

4. Franco Prodi, Professore di Fisica dell’Atmosfera, Università di Ferrara.

5. Franco Battaglia, Professore di Chimica Fisica, Università di Modena; Movimento

Galileo 2001.

6. Mario Giaccio, Professore di Tecnologia ed Economia

delle Fonti di Energia, Università di Chieti-

Pescara, già Preside della Facoltà di Economia.

7. Enrico Miccadei, Professore di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia, Università di


8. Nicola Scafetta, Professore di Fisica dell’Atmosfera e Oceanografia, Università di



1. Antonino Zichichi, Professore Emerito di Fisica, Università di Bologna,

Fondatore e Presidente del Centro di Cultura Scientifica Ettore Majorana di Erice.

2. Renato Angelo Ricci, Professore Emerito di Fisica, Università di Padova, già

Presidente della Società Italiana di Fisica e della Società Europea di Fisica;

Movimento Galileo 2001.

3. Aurelio Misiti, Professore di Ingegneria sanitaria-Ambientale, Università di

Roma La Sapienza, già Preside della Facoltà di Ingegneria, già Presidente del

Consiglio Superiore ai Lavori Pubblici.

4. Antonio Brambati, Professore di Sedimentologia, Università di Trieste,

Responsabile Progetto Paleoclima-mare del PNRA, già Presidente Commissione

Nazionale di Oceanografia.

5. Cesare Barbieri, Professore Emerito di Astronomia, Università di Padova.

6. Sergio Bartalucci, Fisico, Presidente Associazione Scienziati e Tecnologi per la

Ricerca Italiana.

7. Antonio Bianchini, Professore di Astronomia, Università di Padova.

8. Paolo Bonifazi, Astrofisico, ex Direttore dell’Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio

Interplanetario (IFSI) dell’Istituto Nazionale Astrofisica (INAF).

9. Francesca Bozzano, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Roma La

Sapienza, Direttore del Centro di Ricerca Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo Rischi

Geologici (CERI).

10. Marcello Buccolini, Professore di Geomorfologia, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

11. Paolo Budetta, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Napoli.

12. Monia Calista, Ricercatore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

13. Giovanni Carboni, Professore di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata;

Movimento Galileo 2001.

14. Franco Casali, Professore di Fisica, Università di Bologna e Accademia delle

Scienze di Bologna.

15. Giuliano Ceradelli, Ingegnere e climatologo, ALDAI.

16. Augusta Vittoria Cerutti, membro del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano.

17. Domenico Corradini, Professore di Geologia Storica, Università di Modena.

18. Fulvio Crisciani, Professore di Fluidodinamica Geofisica, Università di Trieste e

Istituto Scienze Marine, Cnr, Trieste.

19. Carlo Esposito, Professore di Telerilevamento, Università di Roma La Sapienza.

20. Antonio Mario Federico, Professore di Geotecnica, Politecnico di Bari.

21. Mario Floris, Professore di Telerilevamento, Università di Padova.

22. Gianni Fochi, Chimico, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; giornalista scientifico.

23. Mario Gaeta, Professore di Vulcanologia, Università di Roma La Sapienza.

24. Giuseppe Gambolati, Fellow della American Geophysical Union, Professore di

Metodi Numerici, Università di Padova.

25. Rinaldo Genevois, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Padova.

26. Carlo Lombardi, Professore di Impianti nucleari, Politecnico di Milano.

27. Luigi Marino, Geologo, Direttore del Centro di Ricerca Previsione, Prevenzione e

Controllo Rischi Geologici (CERI)

28. Salvatore Martino, Professore di Microzonazione sismica, Università di Roma La


29. Paolo Mazzanti, Professore di Interferometria satellitare, Università di Roma La


30. Adriano Mazzarella, Professore di Meteorologia e Climatologia, Università di


31. Carlo Merli, Professore di Tecnologie Ambientali, Università di Roma La Sapienza.

32. Alberto Mirandola, Professore di Energetica Applicata e Presidente Dottorato di

Ricerca in Energetica, Università di Padova.

33. Renzo Mosetti, Professore di Oceanografia, Università di Trieste, già Direttore del

Dipartimento di Oceanografia, Istituto OGS, Trieste.

34. Daniela Novembre, Ricercatore in Georisorse Minerarie e Applicazioni

Mineralogiche-petrografiche, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

35. Sergio Ortolani, Professore di Astronomia e Astrofisica, Università di Padova.

36. Antonio Pasculli, Ricercatore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

37. Ernesto Pedrocchi, Professore Emerito di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano.

38. Tommaso Piacentini, Professore di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia, Università

di Chieti-Pescara.

39. Guido Possa, Ingegnere nucleare, già Vice Ministro Viceministro del Ministero

dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca, con delega alla ricerca.

40. Mario Luigi Rainone, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Chieti-


41. Francesca Quercia, Geologo, Dirigente di ricerca, Ispra.

42. Giancarlo Ruocco, Professore di Struttura della Materia, Università di Roma La


43. Sergio Rusi, Professore di Idrogeologia, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

44. Massimo Salleolini, Professore di Idrogeologia Applicata e Idrogeologia

Ambientale, Università di Siena.

45. Emanuele Scalcione, Responsabile Servizio Agrometeorologico Regionale ALSIA,


46. Nicola Sciarra, Professore di Geologia Applicata, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

47. Leonello Serva, Geologo, già Direttore Servizi Geologici d’Italia; Accademia Europa

delle Scienze e delle Arti, Classe V, Scienze Tecnologiche e Ambientali; Movimento Galileo


48. Luigi Stedile, Geologo, Centro di Ricerca Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo Rischi

Geologici (CERI), Università di Roma La Sapienza.

49. Giorgio Trenta, Fisico e Medico, Presidente Emerito dell’Associazione Italiana di

Radioprotezione Medica; Movimento Galileo 2001.

50. Gianluca Valensise, Dirigente di Ricerca, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e

Vulcanologia, Roma.

51. Corrado Venturini, Professore di Geologia Strutturale, Università di Bologna.

52. Franco Zavatti, Ricercatore di Astronomia, Università di Bologna.

53. Achille Balduzzi, Geologo, Agip-Eni.

54. Claudio Borri, Professore di Scienze delle Costruzioni, Università di Firenze,

Coordinatore del Dottorato Internazionale in Ingegneria Civile.

55. Pino Cippitelli, Geologo Agip-Eni.

56. Franco Di Cesare, Dirigente, Agip-Eni.

57. Serena Doria, Ricercatore di Probabilità e Statistica Matematica, Università di


58. Enzo Siviero, Professore di Ponti, Università di Venezia, Rettore dell’Università


59. Pietro Agostini, Ingegnere, Associazione Scienziati e Tecnologi per la Ricerca


60. Donato Barone, Ingegnere.

61. Roberto Bonucchi, Insegnante.

62. Gianfranco Brignoli, Geologo.

63. Alessandro Chiaudani, Ph.D. agronomo, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

64. Antonio Clemente, Ricercatore di Urbanistica, Università di Chieti-Pescara.

65. Luigi Fressoia, Architetto urbanista, Perugia.

66. Sabino Gallo, Ingegnere nucleare e scrittore scientifico.

67. Daniela Giannessi, Primo Ricercatore, IPCF-CNR, Pisa.

68. Roberto Grassi, Ingegnere, Amministratore G&G, Roma.

69. Alberto Lagi, Ingegnere, Presidente di Società Ripristino Impianti Complessi


70. Luciano Lepori, Ricercatore IPCF-CNR, Pisa.

71. Roberto Madrigali, Meteorologo.

72. Ludovica Manusardi, Fisico nucleare e giornalista scientifico, UGIS.

73. Maria Massullo, Tecnologa, ENEA-Casaccia, Roma.

74. Enrico Matteoli, Primo Ricercatore, IPCF-CNR, Pisa.

75. Gabriella Mincione, Professore di Scienze e Tecniche di Medicina di Laboratorio,

Università di Chieti-Pescara.

76. Massimo Pallotta, Primo Tecnologo, Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare.

77. Enzo Pennetta, Professore di Scienze Naturali e divulgatore scientifico.

78. Franco Puglia, Ingegnere, Presidente CCC, Milano.

79. Nunzia Radatti, Chimico, Sogin.

80. Vincenzo Romanello, Ingegnere nucleare, Ricercatore presso il Centro Ricerca di

Rez, Repubblica Ceca.

81. Alberto Rota, Ingegnere, Ricercatore presso CISE e ENEL ed esperto di energie


82. Massimo Sepielli, Direttore di Ricerca, ENEA, Roma.

83. Ugo Spezia, Ingegnere, Responsabile Sicurezza Industriale, SoGIN; Movimento

Galileo 2001.

84. Emilio Stefani, Professore di Patologia vegetale, Università di Modena.

85. Umberto Tirelli, Visiting Senior Scientist, Istituto Tumori d’Aviano; Movimento

Galileo 2001.

86. Roberto Vacca, Ingegnere e scrittore scientifico.

87. Giorgio Bertucelli, Ingegnere, già Dirigente Industriale, Associazione Lombarda

Dirigenti Aziende Industriali.

88. Luciano Biasini, Professore Emerito, già Docente di Calcoli numerici e grafici,

Direttore dell’Istituto Matematico e Preside della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche,

Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università di Ferrara.

89. Giampiero Borrielli, Ingegnere.

90. Antonio Maria Calabrò, Ingegnere, Ricercatore, Consulente.

91. Enrico Colombo, Chimico, Dirigente Industriale.

92. Stefano De Pieri, Ingegnere energetico e nucleare.

93. Benedetto De Vivo, Professore di Geochimica in pensione dall’Università di

Napoli; ora Professore Straordinario presso Università Telematica Pegaso, Napoli.

94. Carlo Del Corso, Ingegnere Chimico.

95. Francesco Dellacasa, Ingegnere, amministratore di società nel settore energetico.

96. Sergio Fontanot, Ingegnere.

97. Umberto Gentili, Fisico dell’ENEA, Climatologo per il Progetto Antartide.

98. Ettore Malpezzi, Ingegnere.

99. Alessandro Martelli, Ingegnere, già dirigente ENEA.

100. Umberto Minopoli, Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana Nucleare.

101. Antonio Panebianco, Ingegnere.

102. Giorgio Prinzi, Ingegnere, Direttore responsabile della rivista 21mo Secolo

Scienza e tecnologia.

103. Arnaldo Radovix, Geologo, Risk Manager in derivati finanziari.

104. Mario Rampichini, Chimico, Dirigente Industriale in pensione, Consulente.

105. Marco Ricci, Fisico, Primo Ricercatore, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica

Scientists and Professionals from The Netherlands

  1. Guus Berkhout, Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  2. Maarten van Andel, Author of the ‘Groene Illusie’
  3. André Bijkerk, Geophysicist, Former Royal Dutch Airforce, now Climate Researcher
  4. Peter Bloemers, Emeritus Professor of biochemistry, Radbout University, Nijmegen
  5. Paul M.C. Braat, Emeritus Professor of Pulmonary Physics, University of Amsterdam
  6. Solke Bruin, Emeritus Professor of Product-driven Process Technology, University of Eindhoven, and Former member Management Committee Unilever Research, Vlaardingen
  7. Paul Cliteur, Member of the Senate of The Netherlands
  8. Marcel Crok, Climate Researcher and Science Journalist
  9. David E. Dirkse, Former Computer Engineer and Teacher Mathematics
  10. Kees de Groot, Former Director Upstream Research Lab. Shell
  11. Kees de Lange, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Vrije University Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam
  12. Louw Feenstra, Emeritus Professor Erasmus University and philosopher, Rotterdam
  13. Leo Halvers, Former Director Biliton Research Arnhem and former Director technology Foundation STW
  14. Eduard Harinck, Former Logistics Expert, Nedlloyd Group/KPMG consulting
  15. J.R. Hetzler, Forestry Economics and Time Series Modeling
  16. Jan F. Holtrop, Emeritus Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Delft University of Technology
  17. A. Huijser, Physicist and Former CTO Royal Philips Electronics
  18. W. J. (Wouter) Keller, Emeritus Professor of Statistical Methods, Former Member Board of Directors, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
  19. Jacques van Kerchove, Economist and Marketeer, Former CFO Rabobank, now Climate and Environment researcher
  20. R.W.J. Kouffeld, Emeritus Professor of Energy Conversion, Delft University of Technology
  21. Hans H.J. Labohm, Former Expert Reviewer IPCC
  22. Kees le Pair, Physicist, Former Director of Research organisations FOM and Technology & former member of the General Energy Council, The Netherlands
  23. B.G. Linsen, Former Director Unilever Research Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
  24. Pieter Lukkes, Emeritus Professor of Economic and Human Geography, University of Groningen
  25. Hugo Matthijssen, Former Teacher Meteorology, now Publicist on Climate Matters
  26. Simon Middelhoek, Emeritus Professor of Electronic Instrumentation and Sensors, Delft University of Technology, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and Member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA
  27. J.M. Mulderink, Former General Director Akzo-Nobel
  28. Rob Nijssen, Radar Engineer and Publicist on Climate Matters
  29. Leffert Oldenkamp, Expert Forest Management
  30. Peter Oosterling, Former Scientist E & P Shell, now active as Climate Researcher
  31. Kees Pieters, Mathematician; Former Operational Research and ICT manager at Shell
  32. Reynier Pronk, Former IT Manager, Accredited Project Management Consultant and Trainer
  33. G.T. Robillard, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics
  34. Arthur Rörsch, Former Member Board of Directors, TNO, The Netherlands
  35. Don Schäfer, Former Director Shell Exploration & Production and New Business, Shell
  36. Jos de Smit. Emeritus Professor of Stochastic Operations Research and Former Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente
  37. Albert Stienstra, Emeritus Professor of Computer Simulation and Micro-Electronics, Delft University of Technology
  38. P.J. Strijkert, Former Member Board of Directors of DSM, Delft, The Netherlands
  39. Dick Thoenes, Emeritus Professor of Chemical Technology, Technical University of Eindhoven
  40. Fred Udo, Emeritus Professor of Nuclear Physics, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
  41. J.F. van de Vate, Former Director ECN, Petten, The Netherlands. Former UN Delegate IPCC.
  42. Frans van den Beemt, Nuclear Physicist, Former Program Director Technology Foundation STW
  43. Rutger van Santen, Emeritus Professor of Anorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Former Rector Magnificus, Eindhoven University
  44. Barend-Jan Smits, Geologist, Former Director of Wintershall Nederland, BASF Group
  45. Hans van Suijdam, Former Executive Vice President Research and Development DSM, The Netherlands
  46. Peter van Toorn, Former Research Geophysicist Shell
  47. Jannes J. Verwer, Former CEO Large Electricity Generation Group and Former Chairman Supervisory Board State Owned Radio Active Waste Storage Facilities, The Netherlands
  48. Henk van der Vorst, Emeritus Professor of Numerical Mathematics, University of Utrecht
  49. Jaap van der Vuurst de Vries, Emeritus Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Former Dean Faculty of Applied Earth Sciences, Delft University of Technology
  50. Karel Wakker, Emeritus Professor of Astrodynamics & Geodynamics, Delft University of Technology
  51. Cyril Wentzel, Multi-Physics Engineer and Chairman of Environmental Think Tank ‘Groene Rekenkamer’
  52. W.J. Witteman, Professor of Applied Physics and CO2 lasers, University of Twente
  53. Theo Wolters, Co-founder ‘Groene Rekenkamer’ and ‘’

Scientists and Professionals from New Zealand

  1. Jock Allison, retired Agricultural Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture
  2. Terry Dunleavy MBE, co-founder (2006) and honorary secretary, New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
  3. John Scarry ME (Civil), structural engineer, member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
  4. John Sexton, Member of the NZ Climate Science Coalition

Scientists and Professionals from Norway

  1. Morten Jødal, Biologist, Former Employee of the Norwegian Research Councel and the Centre for the Development and Environment at the University of Oslo
  2. Martin Torvald Hovland, Geophysical and Geological Advisor, Former Lecturer at University of Tromsø
  3. Hakon Gunnar Rueslatten, Geological Researcher, Trondhheim
  4. Jan-Erik Solheim, Emeritus professor Astrophysics, University of Oslo

Scientists and Professionals from United Kingdom

  1. David Bodecott, Consultant Geophysics and Geology, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
  2. D. Q. Bowen, Emeritus Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Fellow International Union for Quaternary Research, Cardiff University
  3. John C. W. Cope, Professor of Natural Sciences, National Museum Wales, Cardiff
  4. Peter Gill, Physicist, Former Chair of the Institute of Physics Energy Group, UK
  5. Bob Heath, retired Geophysicist, Honorary member of the Indian Society of Petroleum Geologists
  6. Howard Dewhirst FGS, Geologist, Initiator Open Letter to the Geological Society of London
  7. Peter Owen FGS, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
  8. Michael Seymour, geologist, Former Managing Director Aurelian Oil & Gas and Trajan Oil limited
  9. David A. L. Jenkins, Geologist, Director Hurricane Energy plc
  10. Chris Matchatte-downes, Geologist, fellow of the geological Society of Gt Britain
  11. Gregor Dixon FGS, Geologist, former member Geological Society of London
  12. Tim Harper FGS, Geologist, Entrepreneur, Devon
  13. Clive Randle, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
  14. Michael F. Ridd, Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society of London
  15. Valentina Zharkova, Professor of Mathematics and Astrophysics, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne

Scientists and Professionals from Sweden

  1. Sture Åström, professional in climate issues, secretary of the Swedish networkKlimatsans
  2. Rolf Bergman, Emeritus professor of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University
  3. Per-Olof Eriksson, Physicist, Former CEO of Sandvik Group
  4. Hans Jelbring, Climate researcher
  5. Claes Johnson, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
  6. Gunnar Juliusson, Professor of Hematology, Lund University, Senior Consultant, Skåne

University Hospital, Lund

  1. Sten Kaijser, Emeritus professor of Mathematics, Uppsala University
  2. Nils-Axel Mörner, Emeritus professor Geology, President of the Independent Committee on Geoethics. Former head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University
  3. Ingemar Nordin, Emeritus Professor Philosophy of Science, Linköping University
  4. Gösta Pettersson, Emeritus Professor in Biochemistry, University of Lund
  5. Marian Radetzki, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Luleå University of Technology
  6. Peter Stilbs, Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm

Scientists and Professionals from Switzerland

  1. Jean-Claude Pont, Dr. Math., Emeritus Professor of The History of Philosophy of Sciences, University of Genève

Scientists and Professionals from Russian Federation

  1. Habibullo Abdussamatov, Head of the Space Research Sector of the Sun, Pulkova Observatory RAS and Head of the Lunar Observatory Project on Monitoring of the Climate, Russian Federation

Scientists and Professionals from outside Europe

  1. Jeffrey Ernest Foss, Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Victoria, Canada
  2. Ralph B. Alexander, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Science Writer
  3. David Archibald, Research Scientist, Australia
  4. Anthony J. Armini, Retired Founder and CEO Implant Sciences Corp.., USA
  5. Tim Ball, Emeritus Professor Geography, University of Winnipeg, Canada and Advisor of the International Science Coalition
  6. Hans-Peter Bär, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, Canada and Former Dean of Basic Medical Sciences, American University of Barbados, Barbados
  7. James R. Barrante, Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry, USA
  8. Colin Barton, Geologist, Former Principal Research Scientist CSIRO, Australia
  9. Charles G. Battig, Climate Adviser, Heartland Institute, USA
  10. Alain Bonnier, Physicist, INRS-Centre de Recherche en Energie, Montréal, Canada
  11. Daniel Botkin, Emeritus Professor of Biology, Climate Researcher, Author of the Book: Twenty-five Myths That Are Destroying the Environment, USA
  12. Geoff Brown, Organizer of a Crtital Climate Group, Australia
  13. Douglas Buerger, Fellow Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, member of Australian Institute of Comapany Directors, Australia
  14. Martin Cornell, Retired Senior Scientist, Dow Chemical Company, USA
  15. Susan Crockford, Zoologist and Polar Bear Expert, Former Adjunct Professor University of Victoria, Canada
  16. Joseph D’aleo, Professor of Meteorology and Climatology at Lyndon Stage College, Founder of, First Director of meteorology of the Weather Channel, USA
  17. Harold H. Doiron, Retired NASA Engineer, USA
  18. John A. Earthrowl, retired Geologist, Brisbane Australia
  19. Rex Fleming, Research Scientist, Author of Book on Carbon Dioxide Fallacy, Retired President Global Aerospace, USA
  20. Viv Forbes, Geologist with Special Interest in Climate, Founder of www., Queensland, Australia
  21. Gordon J. Fulks, Astrophysicist, Board of Directors CO2 Coalition, Co-founder Global Warming Realists
  22. Terry Gannon, Physicist, Retired Semiconductor Executive, USA
  23. Laurence I. Gould, Professor of Physics, University of Hartford, Past Chair, New England Section of the American Physical Society.
  24. Robin George, Geologist, Canterbury, Australia
  25. John Happs, Geoscientist, Retired University Lecturer, Australia
  26. Madhav Khandekar, Expert Reviewer IPCC 2007 AR4 Cycle, Canada
  27. Kees van Kooten, Professor of Economics and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Studies and Climate, University of Victoria, Canada
  28. John Droz jr, Physicist, Founder of AWED Alliance, USA
  29. Herman A. Pope, retired Aerospace Engineer NASA-JSC, USA
  30. Richard Lindzen, Emeritus Professor Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, MIT, USA
  31. Gerrit J. van der Lingen, Paleoclimatologist, New Zealand, Author of the Book The Fable of Stable Climate
  32. David Heald, Retired Electrical Engineer, USA
  33. Allen MacRae, retired Engineer, Canada
  34. Patrick J. Michaels, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Washington DC, USA
  35. Masayuki Hyodo, Professor of Earth Science, Kobe University, Japan
  36. Geraint Hughes, Mechanical Building Engineer, Climate Researcher, Australia
  37. Paul MacRae, Independent Climate Researcher, Canada
  38. Pamela Matlack-Klein, Member of Portuguese Sea Level Project, USA
  39. Richard McFarland, Retired NASA Physicist, USA
  40. Patrick Moore, Ecologist, Chair CO2 Coalition, Co-Founder Green Peace, Canada
  41. Clifford Ollier, Emeritus Professor of Geology and Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia
  42. Willem Post, Independent Researcher regarding Energy and Environment
  43. Phil Robinson, Retired Chemist in the Aluminium and Steel Industry
  44. Judy Ryan, Editor Principia Scientific Institution-Australia
  45. Sanjeev Sabhlok, Economist with focus on climate and energy policy, India
  46. Peter Salonius, Retired Research Scientist, Natural Resources, Canada
  47. Ian Semple, Retired Geologist, of McGill University, Canada
  48. Jim Simpson, Retired from Managing Positions in different International Telecommunications Firms, now active in the Australian Climate Community,
  49. Case Smit, Physicist and Expert in Environmental Protection, Co-founder of the Galileo Movement, Australia
  50. Willie Soon, Independent Scientist, USA
  51. Ronald Stein, Professional Engineer, USA
  52. Paul Taylor, Energy Economist, recipient Rossitor Raymond Award, Golden Colorado, USA
  53. John W. Turner, Science Educator, Noosa Heads, Australia
  54. Steven E. Weismantel, Retired Engineer and Climate Researcher, USA
  55. Thomas Wysmuller, Retired NASA Executive, USA
  56. Thomas O’Connor, Member American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Washington, USA
  57. William van Wijngaarden, Professor of Physics, York University, Canada
  58. Wyss Yim, Retired Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China / Deputy Chairman, Climate Change Science Implementation Team, UNESCO International Year for Planet Earth 2007-2009 / Expert Reviewer IPCC AR2
  59. Bob Zybach, Program Manager, Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project INC., USA

ED Ambassador in each country

Professor Guus Berkhout (The Netherlands)

Dr Viv Forbes (Australia)

Professor Jeffrey Foss (Canada)

Morten Jødal (Norway)

Professor Richard Lindzen (USA)

Jim O’Brien (Republic of Ireland)

Professor Alberto Prestininzi (Italy)

Professor Fritz Vahrenholt (Germany)

Professor Henri Masson (Belgium)

…………. (France)

………… (New Zealand)